4th Corporation
New Rockford, ND
ABLE, Inc.
Dickinson, ND
All Embracing Home Care
Grand Forks, ND
Alpha Opportunities Inc.
Jamestown, ND
Anne Carlsen Center
Jamestown, ND
CHI Friendship
Fargo, ND
Community Options, Inc.
Bismarck, ND
Development Homes, Inc.
Grand Forks, ND
Easter Seals Goodwill ND, Inc.
Mandan, ND
Enable, Inc.
Bismarck, ND
Grand Forks Growth and Support Center
Grand Forks, ND
HAV-IT Services
Harvey, ND
HIT, Inc.
Mandan, ND
Minot, ND
Lake Region Corporation
Devil’s Lake, ND
Grand Forks, ND
North Dakota Autism Center, Inc.
West Fargo, ND
Open Door Center
Valley City, ND
Opportunity Foundation, Inc.
Williston, ND
Poppy's Promise LLC
Bismarck, ND
Pride, Inc.
Bismarck, ND
Red River Human Services Foundation
Fargo, ND
Rehab Services, Inc.
Minot, ND
REM North Dakota - The MENTOR Network
Minot, ND
Success Unlimited, Inc.
Grand Forks, ND
Triumph, Inc.
Jamestown, ND
Vocational Training Center
Fargo, ND