With the Personal Outcome Measures® (POM), 21 indicators are used to understand the presence, importance, and achievement of outcomes and presence of supports involving choice, health, safety, social capital, relationships, rights, goals, dreams, employment, and more. Personal Outcome Measures® are personal. That challenges all of us to listen to the person, maintain objectivity, and be sensitive to the nuances in each person’s life. Decision-making is not black and white; there are many shades of grey.

In this webinar, we’re exploring those grey areas by answering difficult questions people face in decision-making. For example, is online gaming a social role? Do inanimate objects meet the definition of intimacy? We all experience challenges in holding true to the intent of the POM, but this webinar will help bring clarity through real scenarios that people face.

In This Webinar

  • CQL’s Personal Outcome Measures®
  • Common challenges people face
  • Answers to difficult questions
  • Clarity involving POM decision-making
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Michael Clausen


Michael Clausen has been promoting quality of life for people with disabilities and quality of services for organizations since 2002. He has worked with organizations around the world to build data-driven, person-centered practices and has presented on topics such as Human Rights, Appreciative Inquiry and the Personal Outcome Measures®.


Michael Clausen