Ableism is “the idea that a person’s abilities or characteristics are determined by disability or that people with disabilities as a group are inferior to nondisabled people” (Linton, 1998, p.9). While we have largely moved away from extremely overt forms of ableism, such as ‘ugly’ laws or mass institutionalization, many people with disabilities continue to face subtle discrimination, which is embedded in structures and social systems. As a result, even those people who mean well may still be subtly and unconsciously prejudiced against people with disabilities.

This free webinar will focus on modern forms of ableism and disability prejudice, especially those subtle and unconscious forms that are perpetrated by well-meaning people.

In This Webinar

  • Traditional and historical forms of ableism
  • Modern disability discrimination and social devaluation
  • Social psychology frameworks of prejudice
  • Research on contemporary disability prejudice, microaggressions, and aversive ableism
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Carli Friedman, Ph.D.

CQL Director of Research


Carli Friedman, Ph.D., oversees all CQL data analyses and research projects, along with providing consultation about quality enhancement. Carli’s research examines quality of life, community integration, social determinants of health, and ableism.


Carli Friedman, Ph.D.

CQL Director of Research