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CQL Announces Enhanced Standards For Accreditation, With Distinction

CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership is excited to announce enhancements to the internationally-recognized Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation | With Distinction. This is the highest level of CQL Accreditation that human service organizations can achieve, and CQL has modified the eligibility requirements, standards, and expectations to draw even greater differences between other CQL Accreditation options.

  • 4-Year Accreditation Term
  • 1 On-Site Visit, 4-5 days in length
  • 2 Off-Site Conference Calls
  • Requires CQL Certification by agency staff
  • Higher standards applied in additional key areas (see below)
  • Eligibility requires two successful CQL Accreditation terms, , one of which must be Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation
  • Achievement of CQL Accreditation not decided during On-Site Visit

Why are these enhancements being made?

Following a thorough review process of previous standards for Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation | With Distinction through analysis, surveying, informal conversations, and other methods, it was determined that this level of accreditation warranted more stringent eligibility and criteria requirements. Considering that CQL places a strong emphasis on ongoing transformation, it is critical – especially internally at CQL – to review approaches and identify opportunities for improvement.

What are the changes to eligibility, criteria, and standards?

Below is a general summary of the changes being made to Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation | With Distinction. You can also view a full listing of the enhanced standards to this CQL Accreditation option, for more detailed information. Keep in mind that the information below is a broad overview of just the changes being made, not all expectations of Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation | With Distinction.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must have achieved and maintained at least two terms of CQL Accreditation
  • Must be fully compliant with CQL policy/partnership agreement
  • Commitment to downsizing large congregate settings with evidence of success
  • Evidence that the agency does not have systems and practices involving seclusion, restraint, mistreatment, etc.

On-Site Visit

  • Additional day for on-site visit due to enhanced standards
  • Organizations are responsible for associated travel/lodging costs

Community Impact and Interactions

  • Community Life® Self-Assessment completion and validation
  • Equal community access for people supported
  • Evidence of positive community impact

Person-Centered Culture and Practices

  • Demonstration of person-centered planning and supports
  • Evidence of advocacy and self-advocacy efforts

CQL Certification

Quality Improvement Efforts

  • Integrated Quality Management Plan
  • Organizational Strategic Plan
  • Use of CQL’s PORTAL Data System
  • Quality improvement strategies with associated data


  • Due to enhanced standards and additional on-site day a general pricing estimate is $28,500
  • Payments are distributed throughout the accreditation term
  • Organizations are responsible for associated travel/lodging costs

How is this affecting other CQL Accreditation options?

The changes being made to Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation | With Distinction will not have any direct effect on the other CQL Accreditation options. The only way this may be relevant to other CQL Accreditation options is that if a currently-accredited organization intends to pursue Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation | With Distinction in the future, they may want to begin exploring the new criteria and take proactive approaches in implementing its standards.

Who is impacted by these changes?

These changes impact any organization that intends to apply for Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation | With Distinction. If an organization has already applied for or has already achieved Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation | With Distinction, they are not held to these new standards until their next accreditation term. Due to the enhanced eligibility, criteria, standards, and expectations, it is important that those organizations understand the new requirements and embrace the standards as soon as possible. This will improve the potential for a successful achievement of Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation | With Distinction.

When does this all take effect?

The enhanced standards for Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation | With Distinction take effect June 4th, 2018. Organizations are not able to apply for Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation | With Distinction under the previous standards, and all organizations applying for this CQL Accreditation option will be accountable for the new standards.

How do I find out more information?

For more detailed descriptions of these enhanced standards, you can visit the landing page for Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation | With Distinction, which shares additional information about the new eligibility requirements and accreditation components. CQL also conducted a webinar about the enhanced standards for Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation | With Distinction:


Since 1969, CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership has been a leader in working with human service organizations and systems to continuously define, measure, and improve quality of life and quality of services for youth, adults, and older adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and psychiatric disabilities. CQL offers accreditation, training, certification, research, and consultation services to agencies that share our vision of dignity, opportunity, and community for all people.