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Dan Lusk Receives 2015 CQL Award of Excellence

The South Dakota Division of Developmental Disabilities (South Dakota DDD) and CQL have a long history of working together to enhance services and systems in their state service delivery system. Under Dan Lusk’s leadership, this partnership has been strengthened and he has fostered a dynamic and collaborative partnership.

All of the community support provider agencies in South Dakota are accredited. CQL and South Dakota DDD work collaboratively with providers to ensure a seamless, transparent and meaningful accreditation experience. The level of engagement of the South Dakota DDD Program Specialists and DD Director in the accreditation process, CQL training opportunities and collaboration with CQL is unparalleled.

Dan Lusk is genuinely passionate about the work that CQL and South Dakota DDD do together. He believes in the mission, vision and values and has worked tirelessly to empower providers in South Dakota to gain information, skills and resources from South Dakota DDD and CQL with the end goal of making services the best they can be, so people are achieving what is important to them through sound person centered planning processes. Dan doesn’t just talk about things in terms of philosophy, he takes action.

South Dakota has invested in certifying 40 additional Personal Outcome Measures® interviewers across the state, including staff from DDD. South Dakota also incorporated Personal Outcome Measures® data, state level quality assurance and NCI data into their HCBS transition plan, to measure and report on ongoing quality monitoring and compliance to CMS.

Dan graciously provides information to multiple organizations, leaders and state ID/DD agencies regarding South Dakota’s collaboration with CQL. He is always willing to share experiences, resources and ideas to support other systems. This is a true reflection of his commitment to the mission, vision and values of CQL.

The mission of the South Dakota Division of Developmental Disabilities is to ensure that people with developmental disabilities have equal opportunities and receive the services and supports they need to live and work in South Dakota communities.


Since 1969, CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership has been a leader in working with human service organizations and systems to continuously define, measure, and improve quality of life and quality of services for youth, adults, and older adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and psychiatric disabilities. CQL offers accreditation, training, certification, research, and consultation services to agencies that share our vision of dignity, opportunity, and community for all people.