Submitted By: Nicole DelPrete | Person Centered Care Services
Diane Norby is a Direct Support Professional working for Person Centered Care Services, a not-for-profit organization located in Staten Island, NY. Person Centered Care Services strives to create social change within communities by supporting people with disabilities on their search for identity and acceptance.
Diane has worked with Person Centered Care Services for over 11 years. She is extremely dedicated and always willing to offer a helping hand. She has a variety of different skills that helps her support a variety of different people. She consistently utilizes a person-centered approach and is always looking for new ways on how to best support people.
By recognizing and using the Personal Outcome Measures® as a valuable tool, Diane understands that all people receiving services have a right to choose their own personal goals. By acknowledging this, it allows for her to provide person-centered supports at all times.
Over the years, one outcome that multiple people have identified is a desire to learn how to cook. Diane has supported those people throughout the entire process, involving going shopping, gathering ingredients, prepping the food, and cooking the food. She has supported multiple people with achieving outcomes involving their interest in cooking. She goes above and beyond supporting people who are interested in learning how to cook, and she excels in meeting everyone where they are at and building from there.
Diane assists people with choosing what type of meal they would like to learn how to cook. She then goes over in detail the steps that are needed. Diane walks through all of the steps, and spends time assisting the person with learning how to get to the end goal, which is ultimately learning how to cook with minimal support!
The effect on people’s quality of life is always positive. Diane has helped people learn how to cook independently, where they can cook meals on their own. Thank you to Diane for being such a dedicated, hard-working, caring, and compassionate Direct Support Professional on the team at Person Centered Care Services.
2019 National Direct Support Professional Recognition Week
This article is part of a campaign during the 2019 National Direct Support Professional Recognition Week, to acknowledge Direct Support Professionals who are demonstrating excellence through the use of CQL’s Personal Outcome Measures® and/or NADSP’s Code of Ethics/Competency Areas. This campaign was developed through a partnership between CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership, The National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP), and The American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR).
Diane Norby: Cooking Up Outcomes