Lucy Lund, PhD, Executive Director of the Self-Directed Services Department at Opportunities for Positive Growth, Inc. (OPG. Inc.), is being honored with a 2017 Award of Excellence by CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership. This award acknowledges her tireless efforts to transform the organization’s philosophies and practices from person-centered to self-directed. Lucy has been the driving force for the development of systems, platforms, processes, and expectations that focus on what really matters for each person supported in residential services.
“Lucy embodies the very best in human services, pushing OPG. Inc. and agencies across the country forward, so that the people receiving the supports are the decision-makers in their lives. She’s been responsible for a host of specific programs and initiatives at her organization that have made a significant impact on people’s rights, community connections, independence, autonomy, and more.” says Mary Kay Rizzolo, President and CEO of CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership.
CQL is presenting five recipients with the 2017 CQL Award of Excellence at the 2017 CQL Conference, themed ‘Blueprint for Person-Centered Practices,’ in recognition of best practices in human services. “Lucy has abilities and capacity that until a person actually experiences her presence and what she offers to vulnerable populations, the internal force that drives her may not be known. This field of supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities has and will benefit from Lucy’s involvement at a local, state, and national level today and far into the future,” says Gail Kahl, CEO and President of Opportunities for Positive Growth, Inc.
Lucy has worked to embed CQL tools like Basic Assurances® and Personal Outcome Measures® into the organization’s policies and practices so that there is a measurable and consistent framework for quality enhancement.
“Lucy lives and breathes the CQL philosophy. She diligently and tirelessly works to ensure rights, dignity, and respect are upheld. But not only this – she ensure others are taught how to do this and are able to provide the best person-centered supports on a daily basis. Lucy is aware of the past experienced by many with developmental disabilities, and it helps her aim and guide others into an innovative future,” says Stacey Clevenger, Director of Quality Enhancement for Opportunities for Positive Growth, Inc.
As she oversaw the evolution of the Supported Living Department into the Self-Directed Services Department, Lucy created annual assessments, expectations of support, identified areas for self-reliance, updated plans to include core goal areas of rights, safety, best possible health, and establishing community connections, focused on ways to improve supported decision-making, improved work environments for Direct Support Professionals, and worked to help people identify and achieve their dreams.
“I love to learn dreams! Everything I do is rooted in moving dreams and supports forward. There are so many avenues to approach goals once we know the overall dreams from people supported, employees, and community members, because it can facilitate so many amazing connections” says Lucy Lund of Opportunities for Positive Growth, Inc.
Opportunities for Positive Growth, Inc. is a human service agency committed to providing meaningful and dignified support to individuals with intellectual disabilities focusing on a person’s skill development to improve the individual’s quality of life. Their vision is to expand the continuum of support while maintaining unique, high quality of service through teamwork, timeliness, and guidance while being individual based.
Since 1969, CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership has been a leader in working with human service organizations and systems to continuously define, measure, and improve quality of life and quality of services for youth, adults, and older adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and psychiatric disabilities. CQL offers accreditation, training, certification, research, and consultation services to agencies that share our vision of dignity, opportunity, and community for all people.
Lucy Lund Receives 2017 CQL Award of Excellence