June 7th, 2016 - June 8th, 2016

This two-day CQL training shares how CQL’s Personal Outcome Measures® put person-centered philosophies into action, by finding out what really matters to a person receiving supports and services. In a Personal Outcome Measures® interview, 21 indicators explore the presence, importance and achievement of outcomes, involving choice, health, safety, social capital, relationships, rights, goals, dreams, employment and more.

The insight attained during a Personal Outcome Measures® interview can then be used to direct the person-centered plan, and at an aggregate level, influence an organization’s strategic plan.

Participants will learn about quality of life and gathering information about what really matters. The instructor will conduct an interview with a person using the Personal Outcome Measures® and people who know the person and are familiar with their supports. Using information gathered, the instructor will guide a discussion about what’s really important and using that information to guide the person-centered plan. This Personal Outcome Measures® training will teach the learner the value of asking the right questions as a conversation.

Training Highlights:

  • 2-day training
  • Learn how to gather information from the person supported
  • Identify the person’s focus for person-centered planning
  • Develop a draft person-centered plan using Personal Outcome Measures®