December 4, 2024 ● 9:00am - 1:00pm CT
$75 per registrant ● 30-person capacity limit

What happens when you need to purchase some food? Pay your bills? Buy a concert ticket? You most likely grab your credit or debit card, make a withdrawal at an ATM, use a mobile payment app, or write a check. When it comes to money management, people with disabilities who receive services are being short-changed!

In the virtual training ‘Money Management: Let’s Get Creative,’ we’re depositing tips, guidance, tools, and more to help you support people in managing their own money. From promoting independence involving money, to leveraging available technology, confronting concerns over exploitation, addressing organizational liabilities, and spreading information about associated responsibilities, we’ll share strategies for helping people receiving services in handling their own financial affairs.

Training Objectives

  • Overcome barriers to people managing their money
  • Utilize technology to assist people in money management
  • Navigate issues when people have a representative payee
  • Implement proven best practices from provider organizations
  • Learn from other participants through interactive breakouts

Virtual Training Guidance

This virtual training, which takes place on December 4, 2024 from 9:00am – 1:00pm CT, will use Zoom for the entire session, including the presentation, polls, activities, discussion, and more.

Registrants will receive the Zoom login link, meeting ID, and passcode directly from Zoom, one week before the training date.

  • You must have a Zoom account to participate in this training. You must also register with the email address that is associated with your Zoom account. Visit to create a free Zoom account.
  • Multiple attendees participating from the same device is not permitted.
  • Sharing your Zoom login information with another person is not permitted. Two people will not be able to participate in the virtual training at the same time, when using the same login information.
  • Our trainer will conduct the presentation with their camera on. To maximize engagement, we also ask that all attendees have their cameras on during the presentation.
  • It is essential that each participant use a device that has both a microphone and camera enabled in order to fully participate in the session.
  • CQL will be using Zoom’s built-in live transcription (closed captioning) feature during the training. If you need any additional reasonable accommodations, please let us know in the event registration form.

Registration Closed

Registration for this training has now closed, but you can view other trainings being conducted in the months ahead.

View Events

Maximum Capacity

Thank you for your interest in this virtual training. To maintain a high level of engagement and interaction, the maximum capacity for the training is 30 participants. Due to high interest in this event, all of the open spots have been filled and registration is now closed.

Future Events

If you are interested in attending other virtual events at a later date, CQL has scheduled additional training and events in the months ahead – some of which still have seats available. Please register for our events as soon as possible, since they fill up quickly.

CQL Virtual Training Presenters

Kendra Julius

CQL Quality Enhancement Specialist


Kendra Julius has spent her career providing supports to people of all ages with intellectual and developmental disabilities. She has worked in the South Dakota Division of Developmental Disabilities, where she assessed the compliance of state-certified agencies, which included CQL Accreditation.


Kendra Julius

CQL Quality Enhancement Specialist

Miranda Baumann

CQL Technical Support Specialist


Miranda Baumann is the Technical Support Specialist for CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership. In this role, Miranda offers expertise and assistance during the facilitation of online activities and administrative functions, such as Virtual Personal Outcome Measures® Workshops.


Miranda Baumann

CQL Technical Support Specialist

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the refund/cancellation policy?

Attendee Substitutions

Attendees may be able to substitute their registration with another colleague from their organization, for no additional fee. If you wish to make the request, please contact CQL.

Attendee Cancellations

Any cancellation request made at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the virtual training will be granted a full refund. Cancellation requests made within two weeks of the virtual training will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine refund eligibility and next steps. Please contact CQL if you need to request a cancellation/refund.

CQL Cancellations

In the event that CQL must cancel the training, we will notify attendees as soon as possible and issue full refunds within 3-5 business days of the cancellation.

Who is eligible to attend the virtual training?

Anyone who has an interest in this topic is welcome to attend. It is required that each attendee has access to their own computer – multiple attendees cannot participate in the training from the same computer.

Can I register individually?

Absolutely. This training is designed so that individuals – not necessarily working for the same organization – can attend and participate in the session. Again, attendees must register individually. Multiple attendees participating from the same device is not permitted. Sharing your Zoom login information with another person is also not permitted. Two people will not be able to participate in the virtual training at the same time, when using the same login information.

Will I be able to stay focused for so many hours on Zoom?

Definitely! We have specifically tailored our approach to this training to keep our virtual audience engaged. This is a dynamic presentation with accompanying discussion, activities, and polling. To benefit fully, please plan to use a device that has a microphone and camera enabled and turned on for the training session.