The free Person-Centered Plan template offers people receiving services and the agencies that support them, a more accessible version of a Person-Centered Plan.
About The Person-Centered Plan Template
It was developed by CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership and funded by the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities. This template uses ‘Easy Read’ concepts and photos, through the program Microsoft Publisher. If you do not have Microsoft Publisher, you can download it here.
‘Easy Read’ Approaches
- Write concretely, avoid abstract language
- Be logical
- Avoid jargon
- Be concise and summarize
- Break information into small chunks
- Leave out what is of little or no use
- Avoid difficult words
- Include contact phone number
- Make sure any pictures are related to the text
- Test the material
- Type with at least 14pt sized text
- Use a font similar to Arial
- Avoid writing in capitals
- Yellow backgrounds can be helpful for people with dyslexia
- Leave ample white space
- Avoid acronyms or abbreviations
For an example of how this Person-Centered Plan template is actually used, you can view a sample person-centered plan about Aaron Wolfberg.