The report ‘The Move to Managed Care for Intellectual and Developmental Disability Services: Guidance for State Medicaid and DD Directors, and Payers’ details guidance regarding quality services and supports for people with IDD to ensure that as managed care moves into the IDD LTSS field, the right outcomes are utilized – services and supports that maximize quality.

Inside The IDD MLTSS Report

A March 2019 symposium, organized by CQL, The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities, and Mosaic, formed the basis for this report. It provides State Medicaid Directors, DD Directors, and Payers with practical steps for pursuing the ideal service system for people with IDD, involving quality standards, workforce issues, best practices, buy-in, along with recommendations and resources.

About The IDD MLTSS Workgroup

Starting in 2018, a workgroup project set out to develop a common understanding of value-based quality measures for people with IDD. As the industry moves to managed care, the workgroup aimed to ensure that quality metrics are meaningful to people with IDD.