
These Basic Assurances® look at the provision of safety measures put into action from the person’s perspective. The Basic Assurances® require policies and procedures, or ‘systems,’ while the effectiveness of the system is determined person by person. Meeting Basic Assurances® is a prerequisite for being in business in our field. These assurances are not statements of intent; rather, they are the essential, fundamental and non-negotiable requirements.

Inside the Basic Assurances® Manual:

  • View detailed descriptions about the Basic Assurances® factors, indicators, and probes
  • Learn about critical, non-negotiable health, safety, and human security requirements
  • Discover how to promote accountability and transparency
  • Find out how to provide effective person-centered and system-linked services and practices

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Basic Assurances® Factors

  1. Rights Protection and Promotion
  2. Dignity and Respect
  3. Natural Support Networks
  4. Protection from Abuse, Neglect, Mistreatment and Exploitation
  5. Best Possible Health
  6. Safe Environments
  7. Staff Resources and Supports
  8. Positive Services and Supports
  9. Continuity and Personal Security
  10. Basic Assurances® System