An Overview Of The Alabama Training Project

Who Is Involved?

Partners include CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership and the Alabama Department of Mental Health/Division Developmental Disabilities.

When Did It Start?

The project began in early 2018, and continues to provide training about best practices for provider organizations in the state of Alabama.

What Is The Project?

CQL developed a series of different training modules for human service providers in the state of Alabama, covering a variety of critical topics.

Why Was It Created?

The Alabama training modules were developed to offer guidance and insight into the highest quality of supports for people with disabilities.

Where Is The Impact?

To date, more than 250 employees of Alabama human service organizations have completed the modules to improve their knowledge and skills.

How Does It Help The Field?

By spreading best practices to providers in Alabama, people receiving services can be better supported to achieve a higher quality of life.

Inside The Alabama Training Modules

The Alabama training modules are helping hundreds of individual support providers enhance their services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the state of Alabama. They cover a wide range of topics including rights, health, assessment, and more.

Eligible Participants

The training modules are solely intended for organizations and individual employees providing supports and services for people with disabilities in the state of Alabama.

Module Components

Within each training module, participants will be able to download associated handouts, as well as a complete a post-training test through SurveyMonkey.

Module Access

The training modules and handouts are password-protected to help ensure exclusive access by Alabama providers. The login credentials are provided by the state of Alabama.

Technical Assistance

If you have questions or require technical assistance, you can contact Grayson Knight Schemer, with the Alabama Department of Mental Health/Division Developmental Disabilities, or the CQL Training department.

Training Topics

The training modules include nine different areas that are specifically important to human service providers in the state of Alabama.

  • QDDP Overview
  • Know Your Rights
  • Administrative Code
  • Health, Safety, and Medical
  • Nurse Delegation
  • Incident Prevention and Management System
  • Overview of Assessments
  • Person-Centered Planning
  • Behavioral Support Planning


Alabama Training Module Partners

The project involves a collaboration between CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership, and the state of Alabama.

AL Department of Mental Health/Division Developmental Disabilities

The division provides services and supports to individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families in Alabama.


AL Department of Mental Health/Division Developmental Disabilities

More than 250 individual support providers have completed the Alabama training modules.

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