An Overview

Who Is Involved?

CQL developed this COVID-19 resources page at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

When Did It Start?

The COVID-19 pandemic started to spread into the United States in early 2020.

What Is The Project?

Resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic were collected by leading experts.

Why Was It Created?

These articles, tools, guides, and more aim to help agencies during the pandemic.

Where Is The Impact?

With the far-reaching effects of the pandemic, these resources can be used internationally.

How Does It Help The Field?

The resources page delivers important and relevant information for human services organizations.

Supporting Organizations Through The COVID-19 Crisis

There are numerous ways that the human services field can access the latest and most relevant information about the COVID-19 pandemic, and specifically how to support people with disabilities during the crisis. The links listed below provide some guidance on better understanding and being responsive to COVID-19. Please note that the situation is rapidly changing, and you should actively seek out the most up-to-date details, directly through the links listed below.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine Resources

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has published a vaccine resources page including facts about the vaccine, its safety, dissemination, cost, benefits, etc.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Partner Toolkit

CMS is taking action to protect the health and safety of patients and providers. CMS has developed a COVID-19 toolkit to help you stay informed on CMS/HHS materials available on the COVID-19.

Small Business Loans

The federal government is offering loans for small businesses, to keep workers employed amid the pandemic. The loan application process may take more than  2 hours to complete.

State Coronavirus Map

A webpage from ‘Government Technology’ shares an interactive State Coronavirus Map, which lists state websites devoted to COVID-19, as well as daily updates on cases in each state.

COVID-19 Conversations

Have questions about coronavirus (COVID-19)? Best practices to share? Helpful resources to pass along? There are a lot of conversations on CQL’s Facebook e-Community about COVID-19.

COVID-19 Resources: The Riot! Newsletter

The latest edition of The Riot! Newsletter shares stories, information, facts, and resources about the COVID-19 pandemic, along with fun games to play while social distancing.

COVID-19 Videos Available In ASL

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released new videos about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, that are available in American Sign Language.

Accessible COVID-19 Resources

Georgia Tech’s Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation (CIDI) has produced a number of accessible resources about COVID-19, which are organized by accessibility type.

Leadership During COVID-19

Harvard Business Publishing has pulled together Leadership Resources, which can help business leaders manage and communicate more effectively during this crisis.

Stories of Hope & Promise

The National Association of QDDPs (NAQ) is collecting inspirational stories through ‘The Good News Spotlight,’ to share hope, compassion, and innovation in the field.

‘Some Good News’ Network

John Krasinski, star of ‘The Office,’ has launched a YouTube series titled “Some Good News,” to highlight positive stories and information from around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stop Trying To Be Productive

An article featured in the New York Times, titled ‘Stop Trying To Be Productive,’ describes the importance of staying inside and attending to basic needs and self-care.

COVID-19 Toolkits

The following organizations have compiled resources, guidance, and tools to assist the human services field, and the broader public, in confronting the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.


CDC has created a detailed resource center with all sorts of guidance, data, and tools tied to the COVID-19 pandemic.




NADSP has assembled a listing of resources to help DSPs take care of themselves during the crisis.




ANCOR's COVID-19 Resource Center includes everything you need to know about responding to the pandemic.



Autism Society (COVID-19)

Autism Society has developed a comprehensive COVID-19 toolkit, which provides information and resources by topic.


Autism Society (COVID-19)


The Administration for Community Living (ACL) is sharing numerous resources and links about COVID-19.




SARTAC has collected information about COVID-19, for people with disabilities and self-advocacy organizations.



Clean your hands often.

- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Avoid close contact.

- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Stay home if you're sick.

- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Cover coughs and sneezes.

- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Wear a facemask.

- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Clean and disinfect.

- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

COVID-19 Videos

These videos will assist organizations, support staff, and people receiving services in understanding, and adapting to, the COVID-19 pandemic.

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