An Overview Of Grant and Evaluation Best Practices

Who Is Involved?

This project included a collaboration between CQL and the New York Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (DDPC).

When Did It Start?

This project occurred in various stages. The full project began in Fall of 2017 and continued through Spring of 2019.

What Is The Project?

Various research activities, including interviews, surveys, and literature reviews were conducted about best practices in grants and evaluations.

Why Was It Created?

New York DDPC wanted to strengthen its grants program and help promote successful programs and evaluations.

Where Is The Impact?

The surveys and interviews were administered virtually with grantees in New York, and DD Councils across the nation.

How Does It Help The Field?

The findings from this study and its reports provide guidance for improving grant and evaluation projects.

Inside Grant and Evaluation Best Practices Project

The aim of this project was to review the New York DDPC completed technical assistance and grant programs to provide recommendations to strengthen the DDPC’s grant structure, including how to promote successful programs and evaluations. To do so, this study was comprised of two phases which built off each other.

The First Phase of Study

The study was comprised of two phases; the first phase involved a review of the literature to determine best practices regarding program evaluation design and program planning. Then, as part of this phase this study involved interviews with people who have previously had or currently have evaluation or program grants with the DDPC.

The Second Phase of Study

The second phase was to widen the study and examine challenges and best practices of DD Councils across the nation so that lessons could be used to guide future DDPC projects. To do so, we conducted an online survey as well as completed interviews to acquire in-depth information. In addition, we conducted literature reviews about sustainability and collaboration best practices.

Products Produced

  • Two technical reports about the two phases of the study
  • Literature reviews on evaluation design, collaboration, and sustainability best practices
  • Fact sheet about sustainability for grant applicants
  • Fact sheet on grant application best practices for applicants
  • Rubric for evaluating projects and evaluations

New York Grant Best Practices Project Partners


The New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (DDPC) addresses the needs of people with IDD through advocacy, systems change, and capacity building efforts.



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