March 17, 2023 is the deadline for compliance with the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Settings Rule. It’s right around the corner, so what happens next? The values of the rule – choice, rights, privacy, independence, integration, etc. – are something that should be embraced by all human services providers and state agencies. Now is the time to consider how to go beyond just meeting the minimum requirements in the regulations, and fully integrate all aspects of the rule in a meaningful and impactful way.

In this free webinar, titled ‘Beyond Compliance: Embracing The Values of the HCBS Settings Rule,’ we’re looking at the tenets of the rule and how providers can use those to transform their supports. You’ll be reminded why the rule is so important, how it will impact people receiving HCBS, and be reinvigorated to put these values into practice.

From protecting privacy in people’s homes, to promoting choice involving services, ensuring respect in daily interactions, and more, you’ll leave this webinar committed more than ever to look beyond compliance to embrace the spirit of the Rule as you consider specific changes you can make to help the regulations come to life!

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Angela Rapp Kennedy

CQL Quality Enhancement Specialist


Angela Rapp Kennedy is a Quality Enhancement Specialist for CQL. In this role, Angela creates and facilitates CQL-Hosted Training, CQL webinars, and CQL Customized Training. Angela has decades of experience in the IDD field around the country.


Angela Rapp Kennedy

CQL Quality Enhancement Specialist