All organizations collect data. In this free webinar, we will explore how to use that data efficiently to promote organizational excellence. You probably collect data on staffing, finances, survey data, incident management, behavior support and interventions. To use data as a tool to inform decision making, cross-analysis (looking at different data points together) is extremely valuable. An Integrated Quality Management System also known as Factor 10 of the Basic Assurances® means organizations build a system to learn from their data. Together, we will demystify data, quality management, and Factor 10 of the Basic Assurances® to use data efficiently and effectively.

In This Webinar

  • Importance of data in organizational excellence
  • Systems to learn from data collected
  • Insight into integrated quality management approaches
  • Strategies to use data efficiently and effectively
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Michael Clausen

Michael Clausen has been promoting quality of life for people with disabilities and quality of services for organizations since 2002. He has worked with organizations around the world to build data-driven, person-centered practices and has presented on topics such as Human Rights, Appreciative Inquiry and the Personal Outcome Measures®.

Michael Clausen