Spirituality can be described in a number of ways, such as the connection to something ‘greater’ than oneself, the pursuit of more meaning and purpose in life, or finding your place in the world. People may demonstrate their spirituality differently, like engaging in a formal religion, embracing nature, or taking part in meditation – to list a few examples.
Since spirituality can be one of the most important aspects of a person’s life, as a support provider, it’s essential that you assist those who are on their spiritual journey. But when creating and implementing those supports, you’re likely to come across challenges, encounter barriers, and have questions along the way.
The free webinar, Inside Spirituality: ‘Ask The Experts’ will help provide insight and guidance when supporting spirituality in the lives of people with disabilities. In this session, we’re pulling together leading voices from AAIDD’s Religion and Spirituality Interest Network. From addressing common misperceptions about spirituality, to engaging with faith communities, confronting attitudinal barriers, creating meaningful connections, and more – the experts will be answering all sorts of questions about spirituality. You can share your questions for the experts on the Zoom registration form.
- Angela Rapp Kennedy | VP of Training and Learning Initiatives, CQL
- Tamara Besser, LCSW | Clinical Supervisor, JCFS Chicago
- Erik Carter | Executive Director, Baylor Center for Developmental Disabilities
- Shelly Christensen, MA, FAAIDD | Senior Director of Faith Inclusion and Belonging, RespectAbility
- Sharon Coutryer, PhD | Executive Director, STARS Family Services
- Deborah Fisher, Psy.D. | Psychologist, Deborah Fisher Consulting
- Bill Gaventa, M.Div. | Author, Speaker, Trainer and Consultant
- Anne Masters, PhD, FAAIDD | Director, Office for Pastoral Ministry with Persons with Disabilities, Archdiocese of Newark
- Diane Sturmer | Community Bridge Builder, Faith Community Inclusion team member