Personal Outcome Measures® (POM) have been used for decades to understand and measure individually-defined quality of life. To continuously improve upon this tool, CQL reorganized the outcome indicators into 5 factors, and updated some of the decision-making questions regarding outcomes.
In this webinar hosted by CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership, attendees learn about the changes made to some of the decision-making questions, and explore the Personal Outcome Measures® reorganization in greater detail.
During the webinar, CQL also shares a document that lists the decision-making questions published in the previous edition of the Personal Outcome Measures® manual (2005), and compares them to the decision-making questions included in the latest edition of the Personal Outcome Measures® manual.
In This Webinar
- CQL’s Personal Outcome Measures®
- Validity and reliability assessment
- 5 new factors for the Personal Outcome Measures®
- Changes in Decision-Making for outcomes
- Connection to CQL’s new data system
Cathy Yadamec
Cathy brings 35 years of experience with strong project management, data, quality assurance, and training skills. These skills are match by her ability to meld local experiences with a national perspective.