Logging In, Logging Out, and Managing Accounts

Learn how to log in, log out, and manage your account profile – including changing passwords and security questions – within the CQL PORTAL Data System.

Adding, Assigning, and Reassigning POM Surveys

This tutorial video about CQL’s PORTAL Data System covers how to add, assign, and reassign Personal Outcome Measures® surveys within the platform.

Completing a POM Survey

See how users can enter information into the PORTAL Data System that is gathered through a Personal Outcome Measures® interview, including details about question types, navigation, and saving.

Completing a BA Survey

Watch this tutorial video to learn how to input your organizational Basic Assurances® Self-Assessment information into CQL’s PORTAL Data System and view responses from CQL Accreditation staff.

Utilizing CQL’s Templated Reports

View step-by-step instructions for accessing, filtering, and exporting the pre-built, templated reports within CQL’s PORTAL Data System involving Personal Outcome Measures® and Basic Assurances® data.