In a Personal Outcome Measures® (POM) interview, 21 indicators are used to understand the presence, importance, and achievement of outcomes involving choice, health, safety, social capital, relationships, rights, goals, dreams, employment, and more. The POM are a great tool for learning about people. There are lots of suggested questions in the Personal Outcome Measures® manual, but really gathering information about what really matters to the person is an art. As you gain experience, you will be less reliant on those scripted questions and more on your own quest for information.

In this webinar, we will share with you some tried and true techniques for talking with people. Recognizing that interviewing people with ID/DD sometimes presents challenges, we will share helpful methods for listening to the spoken word, the person’s body language, and even to what isn’t said. We will also discuss gathering information when people don’t respond with words.

In This Webinar

  • Overview of Personal Outcome Measures®
  • Techniques for talking with people
  • Methods for listening to the spoken word
  • Approaches to understanding body language
  • Ways to gather information from those who don’t respond with words
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Michael Clausen

Michael Clausen has been promoting quality of life for people with disabilities and quality of services for organizations since 2002. He has worked with organizations around the world to build data-driven, person-centered practices and has presented on topics such as Human Rights, Appreciative Inquiry and the Personal Outcome Measures®.

Michael Clausen