Accreditation through CQL is unlike any other, involving an identification of shared values, a deep dedication to person-centeredness, and an ongoing commitment to quality. While the accreditation process can seem overwhelming for organizations, it doesn’t have to be. Organizations can be prepared for their accreditation before CQL even conducts the first review visit.

In our Accreditation Preparation Workshops, we will help your organization get up-to-speed in advance of your accreditation, explore best practices, and lay the foundation for a successful review.

Training Overview

  • 2-day training
  • Presented either in-person or virtually
  • Up to 40 participants

Attendees will learn about the accreditation process, explore the standards, tools, and components of accreditation, preview what they can expect during the initial visit, and get answers to questions. Participants will also gain insight into the impact that accreditation will have on your leadership, staff, stakeholders, and most importantly, people supported.

Organizations hosting an Accreditation Preparation Workshop will receive information specific to their accreditation type, including Quality Assurances Accreditation, Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation, or Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation, With Distinction. Organizations should note that while Accreditation Preparation Workshops can be a useful resource in getting an agency ready for their accreditation., they are not required to have a successful accreditation.

Training Objectives

  • Guidance through the use of CQL tools in your accreditation type
  • Information about the Basic Assurances® Self-Assessment process
  • Insight into the use of CQL’s PORTAL Data System
  • Discussion about the accreditation components, expectations, timelines, etc.
  • Discovery of the use of data based on your accreditation type
  • Strategies to create an action plan to prepare for accreditation


The cost for an organization to host this training is $3,500. If the training is being presented in-person, the organization is also responsible for travel and lodging costs. Organizations will be billed for these expenses in addition to the training cost. Prices are subject to change.

Please Note: Organizations that are pursuing or have achieved CQL Accreditation can take advantage of a 5% discount on the costs of CQL training.