If you recognize the importance of the people receiving services being the driving force in their lives, you’re ready for this journey! The first steps in the process of becoming more person-centered are crucial, and fully understanding the philosophy and how it’s integrated into your values can determine the success of person-centered approaches.

In this training ‘Principles Of Person-Centered Thinking,’ attendees will explore the values of person-centeredness and learn strategies to put that thinking into practice.

Training Overview

  • Presented either in-person or virtually
  • Customizable content/duration
  • Up to 40 participants

Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of person-centered thinking, the impact it has on culture change, and the benefits for people with disabilities receiving services. We’ll share philosophies, engage in activities, spark ideas, answer questions, and more! You’ll leave with specific tactics and action steps you can implement at your organization.

Training Objectives

  • Insight into person-centered thinking and philosophies
  • Benefits of embracing person-centered approaches
  • Best practices that can help transform organizational culture
  • Experiences of organizations benefiting from person-centered approaches
  • Specific strategies to ensure your services are centered on people

Training Duration & Pricing

CQL will work with you to customize the content, duration, and scheduling of this training to meet your unique needs. For planning purposes, versions of this training can be provided anywhere from 3 – 6 hours in length, virtually or in-person, on a single day or across multiple days, with costs ranging from $925 – $1,850.

If the training is being presented in-person, the organization is also responsible for travel and lodging costs. Organizations will be billed for these expenses in addition to the training cost. Prices are subject to change.

Please Note: Organizations that are pursuing or have achieved CQL Accreditation can take advantage of a 5% discount on the costs of CQL training.