What do the people you support want to accomplish in their lives? How can you turn that information into action? What supports can you implement to make it happen? How do you monitor progress along the way? These questions are at the heart of person-centered planning.

In this training ‘Using The POM In Person-Centered Planning,’ attendees will learn to connect the dots between the Personal Outcome Measures® (POM) and creating individualized, person-centered plans.

Training Overview

  • Presented either in-person or virtually
  • Customizable content/duration
  • Up to 40 participants

Attendees will leave the training with tips and resources for using the insight gained from information gathered with the POM, to support the development of individualized, person-defined plans. This training provides guidance to ensure that people receiving services are actively involved in informing, developing, and implementing and implementing their plans. Attendees will also learn methods for monitoring the effectiveness of this process, as it relates to a person achieving their goals.

Training Objectives

  • Strategies for using the POM to inform truly person-centered plans
  • Breakout activities exploring the use of personal outcomes in planning
  • Best practices for creating accessible versions of person-centered plans
  • Tips to tracking the progress of people achieving their dreams
  • Examples of how this process has been effectively implemented within organizations

Training Duration & Pricing

CQL will work with you to customize the content, duration, and scheduling of this training to meet your unique needs. For planning purposes, versions of this training can be provided anywhere from 3 – 6 hours in length, virtually or in-person, on a single day or across multiple days, with costs ranging from $925 – $1,850.

If the training is being presented in-person, the organization is also responsible for travel and lodging costs. Organizations will be billed for these expenses in addition to the training cost. Prices are subject to change.

Please Note: Organizations that are pursuing or have achieved CQL Accreditation can take advantage of a 5% discount on the costs of CQL training.